Carlos Vera Ortiz 1953-2002
Carlos Vera Ortiz
Brazil, 23 December 1953 - France, 12 March 2002

A service was held simultaneously in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Le Havre, France.
At St. Joseph Church in Zamalek, Cairo, Cai was evoked during Sunday prayers on 16 March 2003.


Antonio Rodrigues []
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 19:25:04 +0100

J'ai appris le deces de Cai a l'epoque, par un faire-part au "Herald Tribune". Je l'ai connu, mais de loin, j'ai ete son contemporain au Centre Culturel Fran ais du Caire (le lycee fran ais, en fait), en 69-72. Mais j'etais un peu plus jeune, a la classe de sa soeur, la belle Patricia, dont j'etais amoureux, sans qu'elle s'en doute. Cai etait dans la m me classe que ma cousine germaine, Gisela Porto de Oliveira. C'etait un tr s beau garcon et toutes les filles en pin aient pour lui... L'ete 71, je me souviens d'avoir connu son frere cadet Gonzalo, e Agami. Et puis un soir, chez l'oncle et la tante diplomates chez qui je vivais, ils sont tous venus: les parents, Cai et Alberto, ils ont chante et joue de la guitarre. J'ai encore la carte que sa mere Anneken avait envoye le lendemain avec des fleurs: "Cette chaleureuse amitie va nous laisser des saudades ...". Je garde le souvenir d'une belle lumineuse, qui je crois a aussi ete un bon vivant. Je pense encore aux V ra Ortiz parfois, tant d'annees apres. Antonio de Almeida Rodrigues

From: Patricia Soler []
sent:Friday 2/16/2007 3:20 AM

Gracias a la familia de Cai por esta p gina , y gracias por compartir con nosotros detalles de su vida .
Y a vos Cai, gracias por estar vivo en esa canci n (you ve got a friend, nada menos) que te o cantar en el Cairo y que se ha convertido en un himno porque cada vez que la escucho te recuerdo y s que estas por ac ri ndote , fel z.
Cai , vos viv s en cada coraz n que ha tocado tu hermosa sonrisa y tu recuerdo es muy grato. Gracias a Dios por haberme dado la oportunidad de conocerte.
Que descanses y hasta pronto.

De la part de Lydie Ropars []
sent: Wednesday 2/14/2007 6:10 PM

Je viens seulement d'apprendre le d part de Carlos et en m me temps celui d'Alberto. Je ne peux pas y croire ! Je me souviens d'une grande maison magique ou vivaient cinq enfants resplendissant de joie de vivre sous le regard de leurs parents, attentifs et chaleureux. J'ai t accueillie plus d'une fois dans cette famille pour y passer le week-end. Il y avait des rires, des jeux et de la musique. On ne s'y ennuyait jamais ! J'aurais voulu ne jamais la quitter ! Quelle motion ! quand je pense que Carlos et Alberto sont partis jeunes... et depuis si longtemps... alors que je pensais qu'ils vivaient, heureux comme ils le m ritaient, quelque part dans le monde ! J'ai l'impression d'avoir perdu une partie de ma famille. Je pense eux et m'associe au chagrin de leurs proches. Ils sont et seront pour toujours dans mon coeur.

Subject: Por Cai
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 13:30:34 -0300
From: Jorge Vicente

No se cual es el motivo, pero siendo la 1.30hs de la ma?ana, me levante pensando en Cai, un amigo de la vida, mire las fotos, recordé 27 a?os de amistad, pasajes, storias,vivencias y toda su alegr?a a la vida, todo su ser, sin duda en alg?n momento me reencontrare con el, en la paz que sin duda esta.-.- CAI, a vos no se te olvida ni por un rato, en el tiempo, siempre hay alg?n recuerdo que me lleva a tu lado, ,e acuerdo de Javier a quien no veo desde hace un a?o, otro grande!!! y me traen tantos gratos y fant?sticos momentos que hemos vivido, me acuerdo del Mago, de Miguel, hasta de Nidia, en fin... CAI, que en paz descanses y hasta pronto.Que honor haberte coosido y recibido tanto afecto como amistad, tuya de nuestros amigos comunes de tus hermanos, primos, son todos y acda uno "calidad de ser gente Jorge

Subject: Pierre Quarré
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 2004 02:30:02 +0200
c.c.: Alexis Néret

CAI, saches que je t'aime et que je prie tous les soirs pour toi . Tu étais mon modèle, un ange, et je tacherai; jours apres jours de te ressembler le plus possible. J'aurais voulu que tu reste et que tu sois fier de moi , c'est tout .
Thursday, December 18, 2003 12:09 AM

Hoy, como otras tantas veces me acordè de ustedes y me puse a buscarlos en la red, y lo primero que me encuentro es esta pàgina con esta noticia, me siento profundamente triste, pensè en CAI todo el d?a, dios mio que dolor, me cuesta mucho creerlo. Recorr? la pàgina varias veces, y recordaba esos tiempos en "Saint Tropez", en 1981 con CAI y su amigo+su perro Boogy. Queridos Sasso y Gonzalo, me cuesta expresar por escrito lo que siento y lo que pienso hoy, por favor, aunque ya haya pasado un tiempo, hagan llegar mis mas sinceras condolencias a sus padres, a Marie-therese, y por supuesto a ustedes. Querido CAI, que duermas en paz, y serà hasta siempre, besos de ANDRES DANIEL SPATOLA, Estocolmo, (Suecia).

Subject: a Cai - un an apres
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 23:22:05 -0300
From: Pati Alejandro Bayley

Aujourd'hui, douze Mars, à Buenos Aire, il y a eu une messe en memoire de notre tres aimé Cai. Ma Mère a recu à cette messe, qu'elle a tres bien planifié, de tres nombreux familier et amis. Je remercie à tous ceux qui ont tant aimé mon frère leur presence et ainsi à tous ceux qui se sont rappellé de lui aujourdhui et tous les jours dans d'autres pays lointains.
A tous ses amis que j'ai lu attentivement avec, vous imaginez quelle emotion et terrible douleur, je les embrassent à tous au nom de mon incroyable frère... oui parceque nous savons tous qu'il etait ainsi FORMIDABLE.
Je vous avoue que c'est tres difficile pour moi de penser qu'il n'est plus sur terre je ne peux pas penser à lui trops longtemps parceque la tristesse est trop grande alors j'aissaye de penser à lui que nous nous retrouverons avec lui et mon cher Beto au Ciel c'est la seul facon d'aquieter notre peine.
Je sais qu'il ne veux pas qu'on pleures... il n'aimait pas voir soufrir.
A bientot, je vous embrasse tous.
Paty Vera Ortiz de Bayley.

Subject: Cai
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 23:49:45 -0500
From: Rudy Nakhle, Montreal

Tres Cher Cai,

Nous avons ete camarades de classe au Centre Culturel Francais de Garden City en 1968 ou 1969. Ton rayonnement de bonheur et d'amitie m'avaient marque a ce temps la et je t'ai toujours garde de toi ce merveilleux souvenir d'un jeune homme debordant de vie et d'affection. Je ne peux oublier ton rire et ces merveilleux moments vecus autant au College qu'au Guezirah Sporting Club ou lors de ces soirees amicales passees chez les nombreux copains de l'epoque. Toi et moi avons communiqué brievement vers les annees 1997 ou 1998 et quel fut mon plaisir a ce moment d'avoir reussi a te rejoindre via la magie de l'internet. C'est par ce meme moyen que j'ai appris aujourd'hui ton depart. Un depart tellement premature. Je suis toutefois convaincu que comme de ton vivant tu as surement deja enchante tous les anges du paradis et qu'il ne peut que s'etre enrichi de ta presence la haut.
A ceux que tu laisses derriere toi et surtout a ta compagne de vie, que ta memoire soit une eternelle source de reconfort de d'espoir.
Adieu Cai.

Subject: Cai
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2002 22:10:41 -0700 (PDT)
From: Sherif Foda

To my dear Friend Cai:

It is said that it does not matter what happens to you, it is how you react to it that counts, this sums up the amazing courage you have demonstrated in facing sickness.
A golden heart, kind and gentle in your manners, generous in your feelings, open minded, charming, hardworking, a truly precious and caring person.
We are lucky to have known you and I am honored to be your friend. We miss you and you will always be in our hearts.
Mary Therese, we feel your pain and share your grief.
Sherif Foda

Subject: Cai
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 19:42:24 +0200
From: Jacques Forlini

Je regrette toutes ces années perdues à ne pas te conna tre, notre rencontre n'est malheureusement que très récente. J'aurais aimé avoir un frère tel que toi: toujours disponible, toujours généreux, toujours à l'écoute, à l'esprit subtil, à la fine intelligence, avec un coeur à l'ouverture béante ou tous prenaient place. Tu est en voyage, mais nous nous reverrons bientôt.

Date: Thursday, August 29, 2002 12:49 AM
From: Injy Shediac Shami
Subject: Condolences about Cai

I just found out and looking at the photos brought back so many memories. I would like to send my condolences to Gonzalo if you have a way to reach him and to tell him that I think of him on the first of May every year.
Injy Shediac Shami
San Rafael, CA, USA

Subject: Cai my dear friend
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 09:13:54 -0300
From: Bibiana Macagno

I don t know to whom I am writing right now, all I know is the sadness I am feeling as I see Cai s pictures and imagine it almost impossible that he isn’t with us anymore. Going by the photos I saw myself in my so recalled After 8, and those good times we had. I am Bibiana Colombo, shocked, sad, nervous not believing what I already know. Going by the mails I also found out about Beto s death. What happened to him? Please Samir, are you the Samir that is in the picture with me, do you remember me? I see that Cai was still in contact with all of you, how lucky he was, I have the best memories of Cairo, Maadi (the cinema at the club), After Eight, Agami, what beautiful summers we had. I saw Bimbo in the picture and almost shouted with gladness, a little bit bold, well the years have gone by for all of us.
Please I am sure that you are in contact with Bimbo, can you hand him mail mailing address, I would love to hear from him and know about his life.
I am now living in Brasilia my husband works at the IDB. If you remember me, write me back and I ll tell you all about me, even send you pictures but if you don t, I don t want to waste your time.
It was nice writing to you, but you can’t imagine how sad I am at this very moment.
Bibiana Colombo, the Argentinian, maybe if I tell you that I was Samir Fanous s girlfriend you remember me more, what do you know about him?
Love, bibiana
Subject: para maria Teresa.
Date: Sun, 05 May 2002 14:44:32 +0000
From: Agustin y Africa Cassinello

Querida Maria Teresa sentimos mucho la perdida de Cai, tendremos siempre un recuerdo maravilloso de el, un beso muy fuerte.
Subject: Message de condoleance a Cai - Huguette et Nicolas Zeitouni
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 17:50:26 +0300
From: zeitouni

Chere Marie-Therese,

J ai lu avec beaucoup d emotions tous les messages de condoleances qui vous ont ete adresses et ils m ont permis de revoir Cai comme je l ai toujours connu: affectueux, chaleureux, ouvert, franc, et devoue a ses amis. Depuis plus de 15 ans que vous habitez au dessus de nous, nous avons fini par vous considerer comme nos enfants, surtout que cette proximite nous donnait l occasion d entrer plus intimement dans les joies et les problemes des uns et des autres. Le silence a present me pese. Il evoque pour moi la disparition de Cai. Pourtant il me faut penser a vous. Vous avez tout donne de vous-meme a Cai et plus que jamais durant ses annees de maladie. Je suis temoin de tout votre devouement malgre le changement profond qui s etait opere en Cai, que nous comprenions mais que vous etiez seule a supporter. J espere que la famille de Cai saura rendre hommage aux sacrifices que vous avez faits pour lui durant ces annees et qu elle vous en gardera une profonde gratitude. Nous sommes toujours pres de vous, ma petite Marie-Therese, nous souhaitons que le temps apporte un baume a votre douleur, nous vous redisons notre immense affection et vous souhaitons bon courage et beaucoup de chance pour la vie a venir.
Huguette et Nicolas Zeitouni
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 15:17:58 +0200
From: Sandra Keldany

Although words seem to say so little, I hope they help in some small way to ease the sense of loss that we're experiencing... It doesn't happen every day that you come across an amazing person like Cai. He was nice, caring and had a great sense of humor. He and Marie have showed me a great deal of caring. Thank you for a great friendship.
- Chére Marie, Sincères condoléances. Je prie pour le repos de l'âme du cher Cai.
- Cai.. may your soul rest in peace.. and before you know it, we will all be together again.
Subject: Re:Cai
Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2002 13:44:17 +1000
From: Sergio e Maria Bruno

Damian Bruno A la familia Ortiz.
Desde Australia os acompanamos en el sentimiento por la perdida de Cai, del cual mi mujer , mi familia y yo guardamos un carino muy grande. Nuestro mas sincero pesame.

There are no words to describe Cai, such a lovely guy, we were introduced to him and his family back in the late 60's at Agami. Last time we saw him, and Marie-Therese was back in Cairo (July 1993). We had a farewell dinner at the Italian Club, it was our last night in Egypt before heading back to Sydney. We had a lovely night all together (attached is our last picture with Cai). He will always be in our heart with warm memories.
Dear Marie-Therese may God give you strength and faith, our deepest sympathy with all our love.
From left to right: Naldo, Sergio, Damiano, Maria, Mirella, Mrs.G.Haddad, Gianluili, CAI, Loredana, Alice, Giorgio, Aeshia and Marie-Therese.

Subject: Sinceres Condoleances a toute la famille
Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2002 18:10:42
From: Nayla Saleh

We've known Cai for so many years back in Agamy (Alexandria) in the seventies and we'll always cherish his memory. On behalf of the Saleh family and especially friends from Montreal, I am sending my condolences to his entire family.
Subject: CAI
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 22:41:32 -0300


Luego de unos d?as de esta dolorosa perdida y a quienes han conocido a Caito, especialmente a Marie Therese( La francuta) a Cacho (su pap?), Anneken (su mama), sus hermanos y todos quienes lo hayan conocido, mi profunda pena, es muy dif?cil expresar semejante dolor por escrito, pero no quer?a dejar de estar presente. A Cai, lo conoc? hace 27 a?os en el ejercito Argentino y desde esa fecha sent? que tenia un hermano mas; unos d?as antes de su fallecimiento, recib? un llamado telef?nico, con su alegr?a de siempre, por esas cosas de la vida no pudimos hablar, al cortar sent? una profunda angustia, muy poco com?n en mi. Al otro d?a recib? un mail, que respond? y no logre tener mas contacto, pensé que algo irreparable hab?a ocurrido. A los pocos d?as, lamentablemente entend? su chau, esa llamada telef?nica, como si el supiese el final y se estaba despidiendo, con ese adi?s se fue al cielo y llevo esa calidad de gente inigualable que a muchos de sus amigos nos llena honor. Caito, alg?n d?a estaremos juntos nuevamente, en la vida, estar?s siempre en mi coraz?n
Subject: para cai
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 23:24:37 +0000
From: Javier Canay

Querido Caito:
Me gustaria ser Pablo Neruda para poder escribir todo lo que siento, me cuesta mucho escribirte sin llorar, este vacio que has dejado tan infinitamente grande, solo lo deja alguien como vos.
Tuve la fortuna de haberte conocido y la suerte de haber compartido esta gran AMISTAD por mas de cuarenta a?os.Caito solo me queda decirte gracias por esa alegria de vivir, por esas fuerzas que solo tienen los grandes, brindo desde aqui, desde la Argentina, con todos tus amigos del mundo, por que se que nadie jamas podra olvidarte .Y hasta pronto, ojala nos volvamos a encontrar tu amigo JAVIER CANAY.
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 19:08:23 -0300

Envio mis mas sentidas condolencias a la familia de un amigo de la adolescencia en La Lucila Cuando Abelardo Canay me lo conto casi me muero. rezo en memoria de Cai el lindo del barrio.
Subject: Homenaje de quien no lo conocio
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 09:39:33 -0300
From: Luis Guevara Padilla

Queridos amigos:
S?lo a travez de un intimo amigo he conocido a Cai. No tengo palabras para alivianar el dolor de Uds.. Indudablemente el homenaje de sus amigos recordandolo por medio de intrernet, habla por si solo de la buena persona que debio ser Cai. Gracias a mi amigo Javier Canay quien esta profundamente dolorido por el Fallecimiento de quien él entra?ablemente queria.
Subject: Para Cai...
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 01:43:34 -0300
From: Patricia Soler

Tu sonrisa inconfundible iluminar? para siempre tu Cairo querido y tu hermosa voz se exparcir? por el desierto al son de tu guitarra , gracias por tu gran coraz?n que siempre ten?a espacio para un amigo m?s....que Dios te bendiga, hasta un d?a de estos.
Subject: Cai : Please forward to Marie-Therese
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 18:39:21 +0200
From: Ignacio Figaredo Alvargonzalez

Querida Marie-Therese,
Siento gran dificultad para expresar por escrito mis sentimientos, las sensaciones ante la noticia se amontonan en mi y no se como ponerlos en orden. Hace unos d?as os llame por teléfono a Paris y deje un recado en el contestador "Cai y Marie-Therese dar se?ales de vida" cuatro d?as después Sherif Raafat me llamo al m?vil para darme la noticia.?Que puedo decir ?
Para mi Egipto, donde viv? dos hermosos periodos de mi vida, era Cai, Yo conoc? El Cairo con Cai, me hice amigo de sus amigos y esta perdida aunque esperada no es f?cil de asimilar. Siento tanto no haber estado con vosotros mas tiempo durante estos a?os. Besos

Dear Marie-Therese,
I find great difficulty in putting in words my emotions and my feelings, since I was informed that Cai passed away, accumulate in my mind and I cannot succeed in putting them in order. A few days ago I called you at your Paris phone number and left a message on the answering machine saying Cai and Marie-Therese: give signs of life and four days later Sherif Raafat called me on my mobile phone (while travelling in my car) to give me the news. What can I say? For me Egypt, where I spent two beautiful eras of my life, was Cai. I got to know Cairo with Cai, I got acquainted with his friends and this loss, even if it was to be expected, is very difficult to accept. I truly regret not having spent more time with you during these last few years. With deepest affection always,
Subject: A Cai de Paty Vera Ort?z
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 19:01:29 -0300
From: Paty Vera Ortiz de Bayley

C' est trés difficile pour moi , sa soeur, de dire comment etait Cai comme frere. C est le Frére par excellence, au temps de notre adolescence nous etions tres compagnons et avions la meme humeur un peu ironique, donc on riaient exactement des memes choses. Il su me donner le conseil exact, au moment juste, on aurait dit qui il lisait mes pensées; une comunion parfaite. Un soir au Havre j avais dix ans, c etait le soir tard. Je regardais la tele et il me disait que j aille au lit dormir parceque le lendemain j allais a l ecole. Il s est fache tres fort et moi furieuse et sans qu il me voit je suis alleé lui jeter une jarre remplie d eau sur son lit au pieds. Le lendemains il riait sous cape avec ma Mére de ce que je lui avait fait. Cai est non seulement mon frére sinon commme un Pere et mon meilleur ami. J ai l honneur d etre sa soeur et suis certaine qu il est a cote de Beto mon autre tres chere frere. Ils bavardent comme avant en faisant de la musique tres contents de se retrouver. Il est ecrit ainsi comme c est en bas c est en haut.
A Marie Therese et famille, a tous ses amis qui sont les miens, Samir Raafat a qui j aime de tout mon coeur, a Loredana, Pia, Naldo, Giorgio, Mirella, Francois Pujade, Ana Maria Frigieri, Salome, Bimbo, Isabelle et Casilda Pedrozo; a Marie-Jo, et tant d autres, tout mon amour pour avoir tant aimé mon frére Cai... Ciao.
Subject: Para Cai de su pap?
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 12:28:42 -0300
From: Catcho Vera Ortiz

Como dice Nucha, tu madre del Coraz?n, eras demasiado perfecto para "este mundo, estoy seguro que tu alma, ahora est? rodeada por ?ngeles, tal como fuiste tu": un verdadero ?ngel,
Tu Padre

Sent: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 12:09:20 -0300
From: Cristina Carrasco de Ledesma

Imposible no llorar semejante ausencia, aunque nos conocimos siendo muy chicos siempre tuvo y conserv? algo especial, en su mirada, en su escencia ,en la nobleza luminosa de su espirtu y la bondad que irradiaba. En la ?ltima tarde que compartimos en la casa de su madre con Marie Therese y mis hijos recuerdo que me dijo que fueramos pronto a visitarlos porque no iba a vivir siempre en Egipto. Ese comentario me llam? la atenci?n porque sab?a de lo mucho que quer?a Cai ese pa?s. ahora entiendo que el apuro era por otro motivo.Lamento no haber disfrutado mas de su compa??a, jam?s lo olvidaremos, y abrazo desde el fondo de mi coraz?n a todos los que lo quisieron,
Subject: Till we meet again
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 12:57:32 +0200
From: Anad Lamloum

I have tried for the past days to find the words to say, but to no avail, these words by an unknown poet express what I feel.
"Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep. I am the 1000 winds that blow, I am the diamond glint on snow, I am the sunlight on ripened grain, I am the gentle autumn rain. When you waken in the morning hush, I am the sweet uplifting rush of quiet birds in circling flights, I am the soft stars that shine all night. Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there, I did not die."

Till we all meet again, you will live in our hearts.
Marie, tu es dans mes pensees et mes prieres.

Subject: Cai
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 09:38:21 +0200
From: Suzan

Comme la musique me vient à l'esprit quand je pense à Caï, j'envoie cette chanson D'Alain Souchon sur l'amitié je joins ma tristesse à celle de Marie-Thérèse, de sa famille, de ses amis et à celle de tous ceux qui l'ont connu....

     C'est un air détaché
     Pour chanter le fil enchanté,
     Qui, malgré nos airs fâchés,
     Dit : "Tâchez de vivre attaché,
     Les c urs des c urs approchés,
     Accrochés par un fil caché.
     Si le monde est démanché,
     Tâchez de pas le lâcher."

     Le joli fil entre nos c urs passé,
     Oh, le fil...
     Le fil de nos sentiments enlacés,
     Oh, le fil nous lie, nous relie.

     Sur la Terre, tout est gâché,
     Empêché, presque arraché,
     Alors faut s'amouracher,
     S'aimer, vivre attaché.
     Politiciens éméchés,
     Sachez qu'on peut se fâcher,
     Qu'il faut pas ce fil toucher,
     L'arracher ni l'effilocher.

     Le joli fil entre nos c urs passé,
     Oh, le fil...
     Le fil de nos sentiments enlacés,
     Oh, le fil nous lie, nous relie.

     C'est un air détaché
     Pour chanter le fil enchanté.

     Le joli fil entre nos c urs passé,
     Oh, le fil...
     Le fil de nos sentiments enlacés,
     Oh, le fil...
     Le fil qui nous sert à nous resserrer,
     Oh, le fil...
     Le fil tendu, entre nous, comme un lien,
     Oh, le fil...
     Qui nous tient, nous retient,
     Le joli fil entre nos c urs passé,
     Oh, le fil...
     Le fil tendu entre nous comme un lien,
     Oh, le fil...
     Qui nous tient, nous retient.

Subject: Hasta pronto Cai
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 16:46:29 -0300
From: Jorge A. Vera Ortiz

Querido Cai:

Tu ausencia ser? imposible de llenar, cuando tu pap? me dijo que no estabas m?s entre nosotros, crei que estaba atravesando un mal sue?o y que me iba a despertar conciente de que esa noticia hab?a sido nada mas que eso, un mal sue?o. Siempre quise comunicarme m?s con vos, aunque la distancia lo hacia dif?cil, y terminaba dejando las cosas para m?s adelante. Ultimamente hab?a decidido hacerlo por mail s. Y finalmente ese 2 de marzo (mes que quisiera nunca hubiese existido), el mismo d?a en que hablaste por ?ltima vez con tu pap? Cacho, te envié un e-mail que me pediste sobre la biograf?a publicada de nuestra abuela paterna y a los 2 ? 3 d?as te mandé otro envi?ndote cari?os para vos y Mar?a Teresa (pero este ?ltimo por motivos técnicos nunca lleg?), me sorprendi? que transcurrieran los d?as y no me contestaras, ahora sé qué estaba pasando. Me despido de vos y hasta cuando nos volvamos a ver. Hoy te digo que siempre admiré tu alegr?a, tu bondad y tu esp?ritu de "hacer las cosas hoy". Siempre te recordaré con enorme cari?o y con el orgullo de haber sido tu primo hermano. ?Hasta pronto Cai!..
Subject: To Cai..
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 19:43:54 +0100
From: Maria Pia Giannotti

Cai, non ti sono stata fisicamente vicina in tutti questi anni ma hai rappresentato l'ideale di una amicizia che non ho mai vissuto pienamente, ma non per questo meno sentita...
Dimenticarti??? E' difficile!!!!
Subject: For Cai
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 22:51:36 +0200
From: Marcelo Politi

How to express what your passing away has meant. Although I followed your illness closely from the beginning I was not prepared for your departure. I was certain that you would overcome this new episode and we would embrace once again, perhaps I didn't want to accept it. For the moment all my determination is not enough to get over the fact that you are no longer here.
You are probably laughing at everyone's show of emotions and saying "go have a party" and eventually when Marie and Naldo return, we will, hopefully a big one, but for now I am just trying to figure out how to say goodbye.
I'm sure you'll be well, wherever you are, and continuing to bring souls together.
Always in my heart.
Subject: per cai
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 11:09:30 +0100
From: Nubia

la sua forza, il suo sorriso, la dolcezza rimarranno sempre impressi nelle menti di chi lo ha conosciuto, perchè Cai parlava con il cuore ed arrivava direttamente al cuore
Subject: Cai
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 15:10:31 EST
From: Rolando Monaco "Rollo"

You stood by me with your unique and incredible amount of humanity. You gave me hope when all the doors seemed to be closing on me. You led by example in your dignified battle but most of all you taught me about life and love. I remember everything about the 12th of March, but mostly I remember over 30 years of irreplaceable friendship and the terrible void which will never be filled. Be sure of one thing: although the circumstances have changed, you shall never walk alone.
To Marie-Therese
You have been a tower of strength and you proved to be an incredible human being. I am proud to be your friend.
Subject: Condoleances for our mutual friend Cai
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 16:26:55 +0000
From: Hassan "Jacques" Mazloum

En Memoire d'un cher ami.
En Memoire de ce tres cher Cai.
Il est certains etres dont le depart laisse,. dans le cercle de famille et de leurs amis, un vide qui rien ne vient ni ne pourrait combler. Un charme particuler, la couleur, la vigeur ou l'excentricite de la personalite. Une maniere spirituelle de s'exprimer ou une certaine independance de language, quelque qualite exceptionelle, essentielle de leur personne, les font irremplacables, leurs qualites humaines - si proches de nous - les font inexistantes, empechant de croire a leur perte definitive, la rendant inacceptable.
L'echange des souvenirs commence qui debutent par "Vous rappelez-vous?" et finissent par "Il nous manque". Une legende se forme, peu a peu, qui evoque si nettement le disparu que le vide parait se combler, sous nos yeux surpris, a notre consolation, d'une ombre qui est l'ami perdu, en tout, sauf son corps. Et dans mon cas, qui est l'ami perdu a jamais!
Sentiment etrange, ressenti pour la seconde fois, emotions bizarres et complexes qu'evoquent la "separation". Mais nous, ses personnes les plus proches ... ses amis; nous restons sous le charme lorsque nous evoquons nos souvenirs ou lorsque nous revoyons ce film du passe. "Felicia, ne nous quitte pas" chantait-il. Un grand homme, noble et passionant.
Que Dieu benisse son ame. Pour toi, mon tres cher Cai.

Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 10:16:38 -0000
From: Anna Frigieri

Priviledged am I to have known you, and so Lucky to have so very many joyful memories of you to keep you near. I'll miss you.
Subject: Cai
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 05:35:57 +0000
From: Franco Monaco - ALEXANDRIE

Cara Marie,
Les paroles ne suffisent pas a' soulager la douleur, mais puissent la comprehension et la chaleur degagees par ceux qui partagent ton chagrin attennuer, ne serait-ce qu'un peu,la sensation d'impuissance causee par la perte de notre frere cai.
Subject: CAI
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 10:14:54 +0100
From: Stefania Monaco

Caro Cai, ho due ricordi ben precisi di te. Uno quando ero ancora bambina:eravamo al Cairo in piscina, insegnavi a mio fratello a nuotare e a me a fare i tuffi.Poi siamo andati in pizzeria e ti abbiamo ascoltato suonare e cantare:per farci ridere storpiavi le parole delle canzoni. Il secondo ricordo risale a cinque anni fa, avevo 16 anni. Eri venuto a trovarci ad Agami. Eri cambiato:avenamo timore di farti stancare ed avevamo intenzione di rimanere a casa. Eri cambiato, ma solo fisicamente. Ad un certo punto hai detto:?Ma voi giovani cosa fate la sera?!? Rimanete a casa o andate a ballare?!? Andiamo in discoteca!?. E cos? siamo usciti tutti quanti. Hai fatto unire e divertire l?Agami dei giovani di ieri e l?Agami dei giovani d?oggi. Quella sera armato solo del tuo sorriso e dalla tua gioia di vivere ci hai protetto. Ci hai protetto da questo male terribile, ci hai protetto dalla sofferenza, ci hai protetto dal dolore: ci hai protetto da tutto quello che avevi provato tu per evitare che lo provassimo anche noi. E ci hai donato una cosa molto importante: la SPERANZA. Ti ringraziamo per questo bellissimo dono. Non ti dimenticher? mai!
Subject: Cai
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 22:48:13 +0200
From: Laura Centofanti

Tu as ete notre rayon de soleil.
Continues a nous rechauffer de ton sourire.
Car le vide que tu as laisse sera difficile a remplir.

Chere Marie Therese
Je ne peut m empecher de penser que Kai etait si special aussi a cause d une petite femme formidable derriere lui qui lui a tenue la main tout le long du chemin.
Je suis la si tu as envie de parler.

Subject: cai
date: tue, 26 mar 2002 13:15:08 +0100
from: Mirella (momo)

Tonight,I had a dream.
I dreamt I was walking on the sand accompanied by God. And on the screen of the night were projected all the days of my life. I looked back and noticed that for every day of my life, projected in this film, there were two sets of footprints on the sand:
I carried on until the end of my days.
Then I stopped and I looked back and noticed that in certain places there was only one set of footprints. These places coincided with the most difficult days of my life, days filled with the worst anxieties, days filled of the worst fears and pains.
I then asked: "God, you told me that you would have been by me in all the days of my life, and I accepted to leave with you, but why did you leave me during the worst periods of my life???"
And God answered:
"My child, I love you and I told you that I would be with you during the whole of your journey, and that I would not leave you even for one moment.
And I did not leave you.
The days in which you saw only one set of footprints on the sand, those were the days when I was carrying you in my arms."

Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 01:32:05 +0200
From: Omar Jamus

Cai's Memory will always be vivid in my mind, he's a great guy whom I shared a lot of good laughs with. All my sympathy and my thoughts with Marie Therese and the people who loved Cai.............My friend
Subject: Remembering Cai
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 09:44:54 EST
From: Cecilia Espoz- Alsina Rochester, New York

I was fortunate to know Cai and Marie Therese between 1987 and 1989, during the time when my ex-husband Felipe Alvarez de Toledo was the Argentinean Commercial Attache. I met Cai in my very first evening after my arrival, at a farewell party for our predecessors in Maadi. I was utterly overwhelmed by the city and my new surroundings. Right there, he proceeded to give me the basic survival skills for Cairo and its diplomatic circle. The last thing in the list was "You'll never be the same after living here."
He was absolutely right, I was not the same when I left, and I went through all the things he predicted that would happen. We had many memorable conversations in places like his counter in the back of the Sunny Supermarket in Shagaret El Door, (where I religiously bought Marie Therese's Pate de campaigne), or after his gigs at the Nile Hilton or the Sheraton. We shared a sense of sarcastic humor that was the perfect comic relief for a hard day. He had a keen eye to catch the little beautiful things that make the soul of a country. He took the time, unlike most of the expatriates, to listen to a thousand stories in his daily life, and to retell them to us to share his deep love for Egypt and its people.
He and Marie Therese gathered a real "bouillon de cultures" around them, always generous and loyal to their friends. I always had the feeling that if I had to call on them, they would come to the rescue, no questions asked.
I look at this picture that I took in their apartment when I returned to Cairo in 1995, and it's very hard to think he's gone. I cannot begin to imagine the void left in the life of those who were the closest to him, day in and day out.
Marie Therese: it must have been so hard to let him go...but he's still singing in our hearts, in any language we ask him to, and that will never stop.
You made him happy, giving him the freedom to be himself. You shared him with all of us: the friends that walked along his side for an hour, an evening or many years.
So, here's to Cai and to you, let's celebrate a life well lived and eternal love.
Subject: Cai ... A stranger, yet a friend
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 15:48:33 +0100
From: Nabil Gangi (Rome)

I first saw Cai with his guitar at the Nile Hilton 16 years ago. His free spirit was filling the dining room together with his guitar tunes. I left the place that night with the memory of Cai's beautiful personal smile. It was not until 4 years later that I got to meet Cai again and get to see him in his circle of friends; a dynamic, loving and loved person. Cai, though our meetings were few and our conversations numbered, you never failed to leave an impression of your sweet and loving character. You will be remembered!
Subject: my letter to Cai
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 12:01:54 -0300
From: Marianaz

I know you are somewhere playing the guitar and singing for us so we can keep on smiling. You know how much Cairo was special for us, and you have very much to do with it. I'll miss your smile, your friendship, your voice, cheches at your place and pizzas at Naldo's. But I know we will meet again, meanwhile, take care and please keep on singing Le Meteque for me.
your friend,
la negra

Subject: CAI
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 17:10:31 +0300
From: Manuel y Gemma (Mosc?)

Querido Cai,
Gemma y yo siempre te recordaremos como un luchador que superaba el sufrimiento y la adversidad con tu buen humos y ganas de vivir. Compartir un rato contigo era disfrutar de la vida y de la convivencia en veladas que se hac?an demasiado fugaces . Esperemos que te hayan dejado subir la guitarra contigo al cielo y puedas seguir alegrando la estancia de los que all? se encuentran.
Un abrazo muy fuerte

Subject: pour CAI
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 14:37:37 +0100
From: Loredana Giannotti

Cher Cai, je sais que tu es dans la chambre d' à cotè, de l'autre bout du chemin, mais ne m'oublie pas. Moi je ne t'oublie pas.
From: Marwan Hammad
Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 9:12 PM

I knew Cai since a long time. One of the handsomest people I have seen. Plays the guitar beautifully and had a lovely voice. The best thing about him was wus gay and pleasant personality. Yes, I haven't seen him since a long time, we just drifted away. But I can never forget him, he always seems to be there. If he had any family, or close friends, please forward them this e-mail, as it contains condolences from the heart.
Thank you and God Bless.
Subject: My friend of 32 years
From: samir raafat

Maadi villa Ever since Naldo called early March, informing me Cai's situation was critical, I've been rewinding different episodes of the "Cai Story" re-living in my mind those happy carefree days of the late '60s and early '70s... college, bellbottoms, parties, jam sessions by the talented Vera Ortiz family (Catcho, Anneken, Cai, Beto, Patti, Gonzalo) in their lovely Maadi villa … and how whenever together performed fantastic music.

Spending part of summer 1971 together in Kuwait where Cai performed with an English band at the Kuwait Hilton. This is when he bought his first car in the emirate's outdoor Souk-el-Harrag. Imagine driving around Kuwait in an air-condition-less VW Beetle in 45 degrees heat and 99% humidity. Crazy! He later drove through Irak and Syria boarding a ship in Beirut which stopped at Alexandria on its way to France. A chance for some of his friends to wave from the docks.

He made it back to Cairo just before the October 1973 war. As a result, he was stuck for two months in Egypt alternating between his Maadi and Zamalek friends until it was ok to travel again.

In the late 1970s I shuttled weekends between London, where I now worked, and Sainte Adresse, Le Havre, where Cai and Marie-Therese lived. We took side trips to Paris exploring the sites. One day, while visiting London, Cai bicycled around the city on his brand-new Raleigh while Marie, her sisters and I, followed frantically in a taxi. By then I was trying to make a career in banking and the multi-talented Cai was strumming his guitar in charming small restaurants in Le Havre.

In mid-October 1979, I briefly reunited with the rest of the Vera Ortiz family in their lovely home on Buchardo Street, La Lucila, Buenos Aires. Cai's father Katcho was remarried to Nutcha, Patti had tied the knot to law graduate Alex Bayley, and Beto was just about to walk down the aisle with the beautiful Marina (Alex Bayley's cousin). Missing was Anneken who had moved out starting a new chapter in her bountiful life.

Cai returned to Egypt in the summer of 1981 contract in hand to perform at the Cairo Inn in Mohandessine. He and Marie-Therese leased a nearby ground floor apartment which quickly became the preferred hangout for his old and new friends... Whenever we could, we'd run off to windsurf in Agami, Ras Sidr, El Arish, Lake Qarun in Fayoum or on the Nile in Maadi. Who cared about Bilharzia! Thanks to Cai we were among Egypt's very first windsurfers!

samir raafat In 1988 Cai’s talented brother Beto died unexpectedly while in Cairo. Too desperate to attend the burial at the Latin Cemetery, I went in Cai's stead, attending to the tombstone. We never spoke of this sad day again--burial was a taboo subject.

Then came the era of satellite dishes. Imagine spending the first Gulf War with Cai and his young Canadian apprentice Philippe Simard, on Cairo rooftops installing dishes laughing, sweating and fighting over compasses, screwdrivers and cables... complimenting ourselves for being the first ones in the country to indulge in this new technology.

Beto plaque Several birthdays were spent together with Cai and our mutual friend, TV announcer Rajia Nachat. The three of us were born on December 23.

We reached the 90s... me with research and writing, and Cai forever busy with the launch of Thomas Pizzeria of which, he and his lifetime friend and business partner Naldo Haddad, were so proud and had every reason to be. Although we now saw less of each other I knew Cai was always there at the other end of the line making time to listen to silly nothings or criticize my weekly column in the Gazette.

And through Cai I met a lot of wonderful people.

And, at his urging, wrote my first book which appeared in 1994.

And, on 9 April 1995, he informed me over a pizza in Zamalek's refurbished Thomas, of his horrible malady!

His war with cancer had begun and he eventually move to Paris for treatment. So many times, I wanted to embrace him and tell him it'll be all right but never daring to do so lest he think the situation was bad. Hardly ever asking about his health for fear of reminding him of his ordeal.

Watching him a few months ago on New Year’s Eve in Cairo was agonizing. A beautiful mind was trapped in a now battered body. After his courageous fight of almost seven years, he was about to lose the last battle.

Subject: Para Maria Teresa
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 18:29:10 -0300
From: Maria Isabel Pasqualis Politi

Querida Maria Teresa:
En un momento de tan inconmensurable tristeza nos unimos a vos con todo el gran afecto que siempre tuvimos por vos y por Cai y a través de nuestras oraciones para que él se encuentre con el rostro del Senor y vos puedas resistir tan tremenda prueba. Siempre nos acordaremos como vos y Cai alegraron nuestra mesa a la hora del té compartiendo mutuos relatos llenos de vida. Gracias por haber elegido estar con nosotros y por ser los amigos tan entra?ables de Anad y Marcelo. No es un problema el inmenso océano entre nosotros; estamos contigo muy, muy cerca y nuestra casa est? abierta para vos cuando quieras. Un beso y un cari?o muy fuerte de mi madre y mio.
Subject: Cai's Eulogy
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 09:21:31 +0000
From: Sanya El Aroussy

It is all so unspeakably sad. What a beautiful man and person he was. Some people get to have a long, drawn-out life with seemingly little spark and lots of tedium. And few, like Cai, seem to have "Life" given to them in capsulated form. Theirs is charged, passionate, dramatic, and intense; and they probably get to live, love, and feel / experience the highs and the lows that Life hands out to them in compressed form. What a warrior he was, and how lucky to have had Marie-Therese for a partner and Naldo for a friend. He was graced in that he touched the lives of whomever he met in a very special and unforgettable way. Your brother once told me a very moving, thought-provoking, and comforting phrase on death that he'd heard / read: "A person never dies until the last person who remembers him dies" , which in the case of Cai means he will probably outlive us all.
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 14:09:03
From: Adel and Eftetan Eid

So sorry to hear about Cai, he was a dear man I really admired him, God rests his soul. It just goes to show you that all we end up with is a handful of friends to remember us and pray for us.
Subject: Re: Cai 1952-2002
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 12:44:00
From: Rajia Nashat

Very sorry to hear the news about Cai. It seems so long ago since I last saw him and then he was so full of life. I will never forget how we three used to celebrate the 23rd of December.
With deep regret,
Subject: Cai
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 21:05:24 -0500
From: Bahir Keldany

Cai querido amigo, te dedico esas lindas frases de Jose Hernandez en Martin Fiero


Triste suena mi guitarra
y el asunto lo requiere;
ninguno alegrias espere
sino sentidos lamentos
de aquel que en duros tormentos
nace, crece, vive y muere.

Es triste dejar sus pagos
y largarse a tierre ajena
llevandose la alma llena
de tormentos y dolores,
mas nos llevan los rigores
como el pampero en la arena

Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 00:39:22 -0000
From: Arturo Pasqualis Politi

Te recuerdo optimista y con proyectos !!
Hasta que nos volvamos a encontrar !!
Con Afecto
Arturo Pasqualis Politi

Subject: Adi?s a Cai
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 21:09:40 -0300
From: Albino

Querido Cai, nuestra amistad fue tan breve como mi estada en Cairo, pero era muy facil quererte. Nos queda tu recuerdo y las fotos de unas navidades en Sharm El Sheik que nunca olvidaremos. Albino y Michita. Malena y Andrea.
Subject: for Cai
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 15:14:31 -0800
From: George Stockton & Dominique Masse

I never met anyone as alive as Cai so vibrant and powerful with a voice that God gave to him alone. I can still hear him singing besame mucho and I can still feel the warmth that he put into such songs. He had such an ease about him that you could almost overlook how truly talented he was. Then years later after hearing some musician in some cafe struggle through one of Cai's favourites it would hit you, his gift to us all.
We spent half of a winter night trouble-shooting a satellite dish installation on the roof of our building in Maadi. A cold difficult job with not the right tools and only some of the needed equipment and with a very slow progress. But a very fond memory for me nonetheless because of the great pleasure I took in spending time with Cai. He could transform a mundane task in to something special and turn a room full of people in to a party. As in health he fought death like a champion with great courage and spirit. I share with all his family and friends a great sense of loss and a deep sympathy for Marie-Therese. Cai's strength is now with her and with all of us who knew and cared for him. Let us use it for the good things in life that he stood for and that we admired in him the most.


Thank you for having lived, I feel very fortunate to have known you; I will always remember your love of life, your energy, your kindness, your irrepressible enthusiasm, your courage and tenacity, your strength, your laughter, your smile, your singing. You were a good man.

J'admire ton courage ta patience et ta perseverance au cours de ces longues et certainement difficiles annees. Nous pensons a toi.

Subject: Cai
From: Martin Recondo
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 01:04:32 +0200

La novedad se abate sobre nosotros de manera fulminante. La noticia del mail es la misma que la del diario: Cai, nuestro adorado Caiucho, ha muerto. En medio del llanto sigo esperando, porque tal vez falte todav?a un segundo para que ocurra. Porque tal vez Cai vaya a morir de un segundo a otro, pero sin que haya ocurrido a?n. Y as? tendr?amos tiempo para un ?ltimo adi?s, para hacer realidad la ilusi?n de volver a vernos todos juntos. Pero no, no hay error posible. Su muerte est? entre nosotros y late fuerte en nuestras sienes. El dolor es tan grande que asfixia, falta el aire.
Sé que no debemos tener un aspecto muy especial. Ustedes tampoco. Pero no hay que desanimarse, hay que resistir. como nos gustar?a poder estar all? para abrazarnos bien fuerte, para llorar juntos y salir adelante. Pero la vida por momentos es implacable, y sus efectos desgarradores. Seguramente Cai estar? junto a los buenos, y afortunadamente sin sufrir, junto a sus seres queridos. Y a los nuestros por supuesto.
S?lo puedo imaginarme el Mar Rojo azul, muy azul. No hay olas sino una marejada muy suave. Y nadie juega ya en la playa. Veo la gui?ada de ojo de Cai y su sonrisa, que lentamente comienza a volverse inmensa. Forma una misma cosa con toda esa belleza, y recién se dormir? al alba, serena y colmada: parece tener por delante toda la eternidad.
Ahora seguimos sentados con la cabeza inclinada hacia el suelo, los brazos sobre las rodillas, y las manos juntas para rezar. El camino a partir de ahora lo ocupamos nosotros. Ese desierto, esos caminos son s?lo para nosotros. Es desde la distancia, mirando de lejos, cuando se me ocurre que quiz?s Cai haya muerto de verdad, muerto de muerte milagrosa, sin apariencia de acontecimiento, sin forma de muerte.
Con el corazon desgarrado y los recuerdos mas lindos en cada rinc?n del alma. Los saluda y los quiere.
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 17:25:24 -0300
From: Naila Chichini

S'il te plait dis a Marie Therese que je l'aime beaucoup et que je pense a elle.

Subject: Condolences
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 19:37:34 +0400
From: Mourad Rouchdy
Organization: Oracle Corporation

From the early 70s. I knew you as being always happy, smiling and a 'Bormagy.' Laughs I will never forget: On the bus back from Sidi Abdel Rahman, you would wake all those asleep to ask them if they were tired, and if yes, recommend they get some sleep. Or Najla and you holding each other's sunglasses out the bus window and threatening to let go. One of you did......remember? Or the hundreds of grapes we threw at each other for half an hour in the Sidi Abdel Rahman hotel restaurant. I saw you again in 1984 for dinner, and I remember you thanked me for having been the one who introduced you to Steele Dan. I always thought we would see each other again. I still hope we will. My condolences to Cai's family and friends. Patricia, Gonzalo, and Marie-Therese.
Subject: Pour Cai
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 20:04:22 +0100
From: Daniella Mastalli

Merci, Cai.
Merci de tout ce que tu nous a donnè.
Ton sourire, ta joie de vivre, ton entousiasme, ta force, ton ironie, ta guitarre, tes chansons.
Merci de ton amitié.

Subject: Cai
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 12:12:04 +0000
From: Gabriele Antonini


Subject: Cai
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 12:09:37 +0000
From: Paola Piretti

Ti ho conosciuto per poco tempo, tanto da capire, che persona "speciale" sei.

Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 08:56:57 -0800 (PST)
From: Ahmed Seifelnasr

Our affection for Cai is unique.
My days and nights with Cai were those of playing, laughing, and having a ball. For my kids he was an amusing friend of Papa and Maman so full of imagination, creativity, and knowledge.
My wife Kiko was introduced to me through Cai. He played that unforgettable role of linking us together. Whether for the better or the worse, you can never forget someone who does that to you.
Cai, we shall always remember you as a very kind, loving and good person.
Dear Marie, light a candle for him from the Seifelnasr family. Our hearts and thoughts are with you in this moment.
Our most sincere "Ciao" to a very dear friend.
Ahmed and Kiko Seifelnasr

Subject: Cai
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 10:05:26 +0000
From: Ismail El-Alfy

We've known Cai for many, many years and loved him as a good friend and wonderful neighbour. He was strong in his struggle with cancer, and we will miss him a lot. May God bless his soul.
Marie-Therese, please accept our sincere condolences.
Nagwa and Ismail el Alfy

From: Kerima Nachat
Maadi, 16 October 2002

Dear Marie-Therese, Sasso, Patti and Gonzalo
I will really miss Cai and will never forget his easy-going nature, his sense of humour and above all his courage.
Thinking of you at this sad time.
Subject: Carlos
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 11:24:41 -0500
From: Phillipe Simard

I have not known Carlos for as long as his other friends, but he made a difference in the course of my life. Which is why the news of his death reminded me about the fun as well as the hard times we had on Cairo roofs installing satellite dishes. And thanks to Carlos we sure were the first ones!
Twelve years later in Montreal, Canada I'm still in the satellite business.
Thank you, Carlos. I sincerely wish it hadn't turn out like this for you.
Philippe Simard Montreal
Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2002 18:15:18 +0200
From: Nelly Alfy

My sincere condolences to Marie-Therese. I can' forget Cai's charm and sweetness. The last time he came to my place was with Ismail and Nagwa two years ago for Ismail's 40th birthday. I'll never forget how he use to come and sit on the floor in my bedroom to adjust the satellite dish on my TV. He is the one who opened my eyes to the world. Thank you Cai.
My sympathies go as well to Georges and Naldo Haddad.
Subject: Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 13:40:35 +0200
From: Mahmoud Abdelgaffar

After telling you goodbye the last time we met in Cairo I felt that we won't see each other again, but still the news of your departure was a shock to me. I can't imagine that you are gone.
I remember the day when you came with to Zamalek asking me for commercial quantities of milk to start a cheese project and I asked you how much milk you need. You replied "60 liters" and of course, you remember my reply.
I remember when we went to Jackies disco together and lied to the girls trying to pick them up.
I also remember when you were doing silver rings and playing the guitar to make a living. Later you became a successful self-made businessman, starting Thomas with Naldo, a joint venture you spoke of proudly.
So many memories of our youth together it would take all day to relate them.
Cai I thought of starting with some of our friends a donation in your name for the benefit of the Cairo Children Cancer Hospital. You loved children so I'm sure you'll approve.
As for Marie-Terez, Naldo and all your close friends I wish them courage as they slowly recover from your absence.
Until we meet, goodbye.
Kai my brother,
How can I say in a few words so much there is to say about you?
One thing for sure, I thank destiny for having crossed our paths. We spent happy times together; you had your special way of carving your own space in our hearts. I just regret that time was so short.
Now you know the truth about God. Rest in peace.
Mohammed Khalifa
Maadi, 16 October 2002

Subject: Cai
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 13:04:27 -0800
From: Hassan Khalifa

A few days after I first got introduced to Cai in we traveled together to Agami - which is a fashionable resort north of the Country - and shared a room to save on the little we had. I went down to do some shopping and came back to find Cai fumbling through my baggage. I waited to see what he was up to and thinking how could the son of an ex-diplomat be doing a thing like that. He finally got to what he was looking for and to my relief it was my deodorant! We were still young and smelly at those days. I asked why he did that and he's answer was " we're friends and I thought you would not mind "
At this time then I did not understand this very much until after I got to know Cai closer.
Cai was passionate for his friends and was generous, giving and supportive. He would really go out of his way to make not only his friends but everybody around him happy. He always said nice things to my wife, mother, and children and they all loved him.
The thing we all respected in him most was his tolerance to hard times without ever moaning or complaining.
My family and I have only nice memories of Cai we will keep it this way. He will remain in our hearts as the gentle, cheerful and loving person we knew him to be.
May god bless his soul and give Marie the strength to carry on after being such a loving and caring partner for so many years.

Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 11:12:15
From: mai elguindi

I found this beautiful piece by Raine Marie Rilke which expresses far better than I ever could what I would want to say.

Duino Elegies - The First Elegy
What they want of me is that I gently remove the appearance of injustice about their death - which at times slightly hinders their souls from proceeding onward.
Of course, it is strange to inhabit the earth no longer, to give up customs one barely had time to learn, not to see roses and other promising Things in terms of a human future; no longer to be what one was in infinitely anxious hands; to leave even one's own first name behind, forgetting it as easily as a child abandons a broken toy.
Strange to no longer desire one's desires. Strange to see meanings that clung together once, floating away in every direction. And being dead is hard work and full of retrieval before one can gradually feel a trace of eternity. -Though the living are wrong to believe in the too-sharp distinctions which they themselves have created.
Angels (they say) don't know whether it is the living they are moving among, or the dead. The eternal torrent whirls all ages along in it, through both realms forever, and their voices are drowned out in its thunderous roar.
In the end, those who were carried off early no longer need us:
they are weaned from earth's sorrows and joys, as gently as children outgrow the soft breasts of their mothers. But we, who do need such great mysteries, we for whom grief is so often the source of our spirit's growth-: could we exist without them?
Is the legend meaningless that tells how, in the lament for Linus, the daring first notes of song pierced through the barren numbness; and then in the startled space which a youth as lovely as a god had suddenly left forever, the Void felt for the first time that harmony which now enraptures and comforts and helps us.

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